
With a powerful sales team of over 15 well trained professionals, Delicia has the power to reach customers across the whole country directly for marketing sales and PR activities.


At Delicia, our own 20 trained merchandisers are out in our customers' stores every day, executing specific programs for our brands across the country.

Customer Service

Our flexible policy allows the possibility of delivering items all over the island. This allows for much deeper distribution penetration to even the small traditional outlets. We are committed to provide the best quality products accompanied by excellent services to customer expectations.

Market Information

Daily reporting of competitive activity provides the basis for the right actions or reactions. It is also an important source of information for our principals enabling them to keep their finger on the local market.



Delicia marketing philosophy and strategy is totally focused on innovation and service. Market penetration at all levels has and will continue to be at the core of our activities. Our marketing campaign is continuously monitored to ensure that each brand is uniquely positioned and targeted to its intended audience. We provide constant training and support to our sales force with back up required to penetrate the market while increasing our client base and keeping our existing satisfied with our quality service. 


Always in collaboration with our supplier partners, Delicia develop dynamic plans aimed at both the consumer and the different retail channels. Targeted plans based on an agreed brand strategy, together with great execution bring home the desired results in making brands stronger, month after month.


Delicia Foods Ltd concentrates on brand building and brand custodianship in terms of representing its national and international brands into the Mauritius retail sector. We strive to promote our quality brands and aggressively increase our market share with our knowledge of this marketplace.

We strive to build awareness of the brand firstly through distribution and listings in the retail trade and making use of strong in-store and below the line activities which includes:-

  • Eye catching merchandising and gondola
  • Price deals for selected periods
  • Advertising and promotional campaign
  • Social media activities
  • Consumer and shopper habits
  • Product testing and sampling

And any other marketing tools to assist effective and results orientation sales.

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